Heinrich Deichmann

Heinrich Deichmann
Heinrich Deichmann – CEO of Deichmann SE

Heinrich Deichmann was born on November 30, 1962. He is married with two children. After his A-levels and national service he studied at Cologne University’s economic and social sciences faculty and was also present at the lectures of theology, philosophy and history. He graduated as a Diplomkaufmann in business administration in 1988. After finishing his university education, he did a number of internships in shoe retailing and production, in the grocery and textile retail trade to prepare for his involvement in the family business. Since 1989, Heinrich Deichmann has been a managing partner of Deichmann-Schuhe. Since 1999 he is the CEO of the Deichmann Group, Europe’s largest shoe retailer. Next to his involvement in the company, Heinrich Deichmann is also involved in a range of social projects, both in the name of his company and himself. He co-established a relief project in Moldavia and supports projects for the homeless and family assistance in several German cities. His Christian faith provides the framework for his professional and personal conduct. He is a long-standing supporter of “My Europe” and a member of its Board of Patrons for European Youth.

You can find all his contributions to Spotlight Europe here