All winners from the national writing contests and the most committed students are appointed to this democratic forum that encourages participation of young Europeans in shaping the future of Europe. It functions as the voice of “My Europe” and as an advocacy group for the needs of young Europeans. All political demands issued by the council are based on the convictions of its members and in consequence truly represent the interests of the European youth. The members serve for four years and thus get the chance to develop their professional and interpersonal skills while interacting with young Europeans from all over Europe. Every two years the Youth Council for the Future publishes its European Youth Manifesto, a comprehensive summary of the most pressing concerns of the students. It offers a strong analysis of political and social issues affecting the future of Europe and provides policy advice to European decision-makers. The framework for the work of the Youth Council for the Future is defined in its charter, adopted by the member of the Council in April 2014.
Current working groups:
Human Rights, Education, Employment, Culture, Environment, Immigration, Language, Violence and Crime, Energy, Security